Radio Interviews – Catholics Come Home
Would you like to have some questions answered? We invite you to listen to our program, “Catholics Come Home”, featuring Fr. Meinrad from St. Marys Parish, Fr. Michael from Queen of the World Parish, and Fr. Eric from Sacred Heart Parish.
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“Catholics Come Home” – Part 1
In the first part of Catholics Come Home, Fr. Meinrad, Fr. Michael and Fr. Eric address homosexuality in the Church, marriage outside the Catholic Church, divorce and many other issues. Click here to listen to the interview.
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“Catholics Come Home” – Part 2
In the second part of Catholics Come Home Fr. Meinrad, Fr. Michael and Fr. Eric discuss sex outside of marriage, your spirituality, the importance of the sacraments. If you are angry with the Church, have been hurt by someone, or have questions on the Churches stand on evolution, the death penalty, drugs and alcohol and contraception, please Click here to listen to the interview.
Listen to the true stories from Catholics who made their way back to the Catholic Church.
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Catholics Come Home – Testimonial 1
Catholics Come Home – Testimonial 2
Catholics Come Home – Testimonial 3